Recent trends in maxillofacial Radiology

Document Type : Type A: State-of-the-Art research papers.


Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo university


Background: Great strides were made in maxillofacial radiology over the past decade. Not only did the advances confined to upgrading the radio-imaging devices, but also they included the introduction of new software, using new algorithms, updating image processing and making weighted imaging accessible for all.
Objective: This study examines the recent trends in the domain of maxillofacial radiology over the past five years. The new trends are checked for availability and usability in interdisciplinary work.
Results: The results include thematic classification of the recent topics, their popularity among researchers and how they advanced knowledge in a meaningful way. Insights about the journals, countries and authors who contribute the most to the advances in maxillofacial radiology are provided.
Advances in Knowledge: Similar to all bibliometric studies, this study is an updated roadmap for early-career researchers and senior authors who wish to explore new domains or keep up with the recent advances.
